Does the iPhone 4S have Siri? - 1

Just wondering.

Yes it have siri!
Just press & hold home button!

Yes, the iPhone 4s was the 1st device that came with Siri
since then, all the devices since have Siri also:
iPhone 5, iPad 3, 4, mini, iPod touch 5th gen

Yes. It was the 1st to include it. In fact that's what the S stands for.

Yea, but 4 doesn't

It does although the "S" does not stand for Siri. It actually means Speed because it was speedier than the 4. Same thing with the 3G and 3GS naming schemes.

Yep the iPhone 4s wat the first iPhone to have Siri

Yes but google s voice is better… Samsung phones r totally better than iphones. So much more powerful and packed with features. Iphones and htc one r simple phones and not very customizable. The s3 is amazing but I believe the samsung galaxy note 2 is the best phone in the world right now. Similar to the s3 in features but better, the s pen stylus is so useful I couldnt imagine a phone without one now. And its not too big, fits in yr pocket fine and once uv had a large screen u ll never go back. The trouble with iphone and htc one is you can't remove the battery, with samsung if yr running low on charge, just swap to a spare battery and carry on. The iphone battery is rubbish u ll get half a day. With the s3 and htc one u ll go a full day between charges maybe more. With the note 2 u ll go 2 days between charges. Iphone and htc one doesn't support micro sd memory card. With samsung you can buy a relatively cheap sd card and boost yr phones memory buy upto 64gb, thats tones of pictures videos and music. The android app store is full of free apps, with apple app store u ll be paying for more apps. Check out the youtube and online reviews of the s3 and note 2to see how good they are. Also check out the online comparisons of iphone and samsung… Samsung always beats iphone. Samsung and htc one comparisons come out even. If you buy a samsung watch daily tips and tricks for either s3 or note 2 on youtube to get to know yr phone. Also get player fm app and listen to android app addicts pod cast to get the most out of android.

That's what the "S" is for!