Download Cydia iOS 7.1 without Jailbreaking iPhone?

I want to enjoy some jailbreak tweaks and apps on my iPhone 4S. But I'm on iOS 7.1 and don't want to jailbreak it.

Any solutions?

I'm sorry to disappoint you but you can't.

That's good because being a month out there's no jailbreak for 7.1 yet anyway.
Be careful as most of these tweaks worked for 7.0 and down but I'd find out if anybody has done it to a 7.1 first.
Best luck.

Yes, you can install cydia without jailbreak using Openappmkt

The reason you can't install Cydia without a jailbreak is iOS is a read only file system when a jailbreak is applied the jailbreak makes iOS a read/write system therefore allowing you to install cydia. Sorry.

Hi, unfortunately as of now you can't jailbreak your iOS 7.1 device. Do not fall victim to those websites that advertise that you can jailbreak your iPhone or do not waste your time with things like Openappmkt as suggested by M.Qasim. Sure you can download it and maybe you can install it but you will absolutely be not able to run it.

The reason why it can't be run is because by jailbreaking, you allow unsigned code to be installed onto your iDevice and stock iOS does not allow unsigned code used.

Apps that are not signed by Apple and therefore have unsigned code, do not have the special signature that Apple includes with its official apps and there's no way for a user to change that. By jailbreaking, we no longer require the signature that stock iOS requires.

Now back to your question, Cydia is not signed by Apple and therefore can't run on a stock iOS device but can be ran on a jailbroken iDevice since that allows unsigned code to be ran. So yes, you can download it and may be able to install it but you will not be able to run it.

Summary: Cydia can ONLY be run on a JAILBROKEN DEVICE. There's no other way no alternative, do not believe what some may say. There's currently no public jailbreak for iOS 7.1 so do not be scammed into paying for an iOS 7.1 jailbreak. When/if it comes out, it will be free.

I can understand the common misconceptions about jailbreaking. People have a tendency to think that it come damage your phone, erase all your data, it is illegal, it voids your warranty, crashing, etc…

Let me answer some of these questions. It is very very very unlikely that it will damage your phone. The tools are all heavily tested before released to the public. Also, if you are smart you would have a back up anyway before attempting a jailbreak. It is absolutely 100% illegal. It becomes illegal when you begin abusing the power and installing pirated content. Yes, it does void the warranty with Apple but you can easily remove the Jailbreak and they won't know. As for crashing, that really depends on what you do. If you install unstable apps, delete them and you will be fine… There are many different reasons for stability issues but jailbreaking is not always the reason.

Redsn0w already has his iPhone 4 and 4s jailbroken. (source twitter) but he probably won't release it until iOS 8 is out so Apple doesn't patch this jailbreak. There's a jailbreak, but just not to the public. So be patient.

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