Found an iphone 5s on a bus?

I found an iphone 5s on a bus i removed the sim, and i only want to use it as an ipod. But when i reboot it it asks me for a sim, what can i do to just make it work as an ipod touch

Put in the sim card and try and find whoever owns it, its not yours to keep people pay hundreds of dollars for those.

You little ****, find the person who lost it and give it back

First, you need to access the inside of the iPhone via a hammer, drill, etc. After that, you need to detach the motherboard and throw it out, since you won't be needing it anymore. Since the motherboard has been detached, the iPhone can now reach its full capabilities. You need to throw the now very powerful iPhone (make sure you put lots of spin on it), and it will start to fly. You will hear a loud clang or thud that seems to come from below, but don't worry, since the it is just the iPhone transforming into and iPod Touch. REMEMBER, don't touch the iPod for another day, since it needs to cool off from its transformation. Hope this helped!

Give it to the bus driver and say yoh found it. Your not suppuse to take something thats not yours.

An iphone requires a SIM to actually work at all. You can use an old unused SIM card on your stolen iphone of course but it would not have any phone capabilites.

I'm surprised you actually was able to get into it considering how IOS7 blocks people who stole the phone from getting into it. Must of not setup a passcode.

Nothing. Try to return it instead

Dude, you better bring it to the police because the person who logged in on with their apple ID are able to track the iphone destination trough iCloud. So they can see where you are, they can show it to the police and they will go to your house… It's better to bring it to the station or else you will be in trouble

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