Get an iphone 6 or wait till the nexus 6?

I've been waiting to get the iphone 6 for a while now and it has finally been released. I'm pretty disappointed with it. Not big on the styling, or the overall improvements on the phone. The only thing i do like is the size. It is still a massive upgrade from my phone and I do much prefer iphones to android but i looked at the nexus 6 concept specs and it looks amazing. Also I loved the look of the nexus 5, so i looked at some concept images of the nexus 6 and absolutely loved it. I see the release date is in either late october or early november which isn't too far away. The only thing is that it might not be what i hope (just like the iphone 6) and it might be a bit on the cheap side quality wise. The reason i don't get any other android is because i either hate the way it looks, its too big or its outdated and its gonna be a while until the next one is released.

I would wait for the nexus 6, the improvements from nexus 4 to 5 where substantial nexus 4 at release was running on out dated hardware in comparison the nexus 5 had all new OS and hardware which was a plus for many users. So i would assume the nexus 6 will be running new hardware and have a great look.

If not for ios system which I'm now use to, I would even consider Iphone6 tbh.

GET A SAMSUNG GALAXY S5! Do not wait for two S H I T phones man. Iphone 6 what are they doing? Making a bigger phone right? Wait a minute? Didn't the galaxy do this? And pretty much every other smart phone. Also with the iphone you either have to buy a 16,32,64 GB phone? With the galaxy there's an SD card, because when it gets full, you can put everything on a pc and get another SD card for infinite INFO!