Give me your opinion? Need guy advice?

I have a crush on this guy. We met through my best friend because they're cousins. When we first started talking things went really well. It was obvious he liked me with all the cute texts, flirting, etc. But then things slowed down a lot. Now we barely talk. Occasionally we'll snapchat (iphone app where you send pics back and forth.) But it's not the same. After the first week we went without talking, he ended up snapchatting me wishing me a happy birthday. Then another week went by without us talking so I snapchatted him saying hi and he said "hey beautiful." That week went by and we didn't talk once again. We still barely talk. We were supposed to go trick or treating together but it got postponed to the saturday after halloween and he had a football game that day. Which he was sad about. We haven't seen eachother in weeks and our plans keep getting ruined. Last monday (not this past one) I snapchatted him a picture of his school picture because I was at his cousin's house and I said "look at this cutie!" And he said "that's me!" and I said "oh really?" And he never answered. So now we haven't talked or anything since then.

I feel like he's giving up on me because we go to different school's and barely see eachother. We live 10 minutes away though. I was thinking about telling him I miss talking to him but I don't know if I should. I don't know if he likes me at all anymore. :\

Quit snapchatting and please break your iPhone, and physically talk to him. If this doesn't work, RA PE HIM.

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