Has anyone upgraded to iOS7.1 on iPhone?

I've heard that there's so many problems with it like very low battery life then before and sudden keyboard switches? Has anyone that upgraded faced these problems too?

I'm not sure whether to upgrade my phone or not. My brother upgraded his iPad and he said its fine so now I'm really confused since an iPad is not the same as the iPhone.

No honestly I've never upgraded my iPhone.

Everyone I know with an iPhone has updated with no problems except the Bluetooth was on by default, once it was turned off everything was fine.

I loaded into an iPhone 5S and no problems whatsoever.

Haven't upgraded my iPad, but a little skeptical about new upgrade.

I'll wait until the important ones are released.

Nope, i'd rather keep my Jailbreak. Apple have started to take things from jailbreaks and use it as their own content, However they keep messing it up so people still jailbreak for full customisation.

No problems from me, but if you do start having problems turn phone off completely and then restart it and it will reset itself.

I've upgraded it, seems to work decently

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