Has My Number Been Blocked by an iPhone?

I've called the number and it rings once and diverts to voicemail - I know this is the most obvious sign of being blocked so I called BACK. This time I got a different result, it kept ringing as though it normally would like the call had connected.

I tried this a few weeks ago and the exact same thing happened - called once and it went straight to voicemail, called again and it kept ringing as if connected.

Does this mean I'm blocked? I've heard that if you have, it will ALWAYS go straight to voicemail every time you call. But I'm getting different results each time, is this normal for being blocked or not since it rings?

Hard to tell.

Doesn't matter if you have been blocked on just ignored, it's the same result.
Try calling from a different [hone number to see what happens).

If you know that the person you are calling still has an active phone number, then you can safely assume that you are blocked or ignored, if all other calls are going through to other people, especially if people you know that call this person, always get through.