Have I gotten too much back to school stuff?

I'm a girl and I'm going to be a freshman this year. My parents have gotten me:
Skirts: 2
Dresses: 4
Shirts: 15
Pants: 4
Sweatshirts/sweaters/jackets: 4
Shoes: 3
Plus bras and underwear
And an iPhone 5

Wow lol. I'm in college taking four classes, and all I need is 1 binder, 4 notebooks, and a pack of pens and pencils. My classes started yesterday and that is all I bought. Spent $20.

Well, it depends actually.

Does this list contain clothes that could be worn in various seasons, or is it only relevant to the weather in Late August/September/October?
Did you already have a lot of clothes before you got these new ones (Like did you wear out/grow out of most of your old clothes)?

If the answer to both of these questions is a no, you may have a few more items of clothing than you actually need. As long as you wear all of your clothes, and don't let half of the stuff sit in the back of the drawer or be crammed to the back of the closet, I don't think it is too much.

Just one question though, what about back to school supplies? Don't you need pencils/pens/binders/paper/folders/ect…