What colour iphone 5 should i get?

I'm 15 years old and i'm getting an iphone 5 next week. I don't know which color to pick! So any suggestions? Btw my iphone 5 will contain a case, so you only see the front of it. Which color do you think is better?

Get it in white!

For my iPhone 4S I got white, because most people get black. So it would be easier to claim if stolen or lost.

Also, say you dropped your phone in the grass outside. What would be easier to see black or white? White.

But black looks more sleek and thin. White looks bulky.

But my case covers up the entire phone so you can't even tell if it's white or black. 0.o

My daughter(who is 15) also got a white one for the same reasons I did. Also, because most of her best friend had a black one and didn't want them to get mixed up.

I'm sure I'll get a lot of thumbs down for this one… Get a DROID I phones are garbage. You can do so much more with a DROID.

I to am going through the same situation but it all depends on your style. For instance if you like dark things and like it to look cool and strong get the black but if you are shy and worried you might lose get the white so It all depends on your opinion for me I got black so go with whatever you are comfortable with and if you don't like it return it and get a different color.

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