How accurate is the Find iPhone app?

I have the Find iPhone app on my phone. We have tracked my stolen iPad to an area. How accurate is the location.

That depends. If it is using a Wi-Fi hotspot, it is accurate to within like 30 feet.
if it is using GPS, it is accurate to within 2 meters (about 6 feet)
if it is using cell towers to locate it, it could be within like 100 feet.

the only exception is if it is using a large Wi-Fi hotspot like a school campus, it might be further off.
and if it is usinc cell towers, and it is in a building, it may be Way off.

location works the same on my phone as it does on your iPad… My phone thinks it is about.5 miles north of where i actually am when i'm in my building at work. Once i step outside, it gets significantly more accurate to within 100-200 feet or so.

It may be true but I'm not sure about it. I hope the link given below will help you to find your answer. Please visit the website. Best of luck.