How to create an app for the iPhone?

I'm a 20 year old college student double majoring in business management and marketing and I came up with an idea to create a certain app.
I have zero computer science skills or coding or ANYTHING of the sort. Is there a way I can pay someone to create an app for me if i gave them a design? Or if and how i can create one myself? How long it'll take me to make? What programs to recommend?

You can always pay someone if you are willing to pay enough. People will gladly accept your money.

Could you have someone do this for you?
Yes. Perhaps you could strike a deal with a talented CS major at your school.

Unless you are willing to put several years of work into your software, I would doubt that you would be able to create a decent program.

You might be able to hack together _a working program_ after a few weeks (depending on the program). But to create a working solution in a manner which is not utterly terrible is the only true challenge which engineering presents.

To create something which can be described as truly "good" is _very_ difficult.

Note that "working" does not mean "acceptable", "usable", "pleasant", "bug-free", "understandable", "easily modifiable", or any number of desirable qualities, not to mention "good".

Here's an often-cited article by Peter Norvig which says something to that effect:

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