How to turn on personal hostage of iPhone 6 9.2.1 and iPhone 5 8.4.1

How to turn on personal hostage of iPhone 6 9.2.1 and iPhone 5 8.4.1 thank you? - 1

That depends on you carrier settings. If you want it and your carrier doesn't allow you to do it under your current phone plan, you'll need to jailbreak your phones and install a tweak for that.

When your carrier allows it, it appears automatically in the settings menu either on the first page or in the cellular settings.

The 5 can be jail broken because it's on iOS 8.4.1 but the 6 is on a version without a public jailbreak; the developers are waiting for iOS 9.3 to release a jailbrak and it's coming next week I presume after apple's event on Monday.

I think you have to enable personal kidnapping first.