How to unlock iphone 5 legally?

I want to buy a iphone 5 and i live in india. In india the price of iphone 5 is rs 45500 (around $900) and in usa the locked once are just 200 could anyone help me out to unlock a iphone legally

Connect it to iTunes and press "restore"

I think this question is illegal

What makes you think it's illegal to do anything you like to your own property. Just do it.

You usually do it through the network you use yourself, but since you can't really do that, I found this for you;

All verizon iphone 5's are already unlocked

Try dunking it in the toilet, it sounds funny but it really works. It worked with my 4S. Don't hold it down for too long, just a quick dunk.

First of all, the $200 price you see for an iPhone is with a contract with a US carrier. You would pay the full retail price ($699, I believe).

Second, the American modesl of the iPhone will not work in India. Some of them are an incompatible hardware and network (CDMA, Verizon and Sprint), the the GSM model from AT&T uses different frequencies than are used in India.

So, buying a GSM iPhone from America and unlocking it won't do you any good, since you'll get limited function from it, if any.

No, joe attaboy. 4G may be incompatible but there's still gsm and 3g. Anyway, those Iphones with 200$ price tag won't be sold outside USA. And if you buy a 200$ iphone 5 from USA, you must sign a contract and you must pay your monthly fees.So, thy can't be done.

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