I'm 15 years old and still treated like a baby?

I'm 15 years old, a sophomore in high school and I live with my grandparents who are pretty young grandparents (mid 50s). I'm only allowed to have sleepovers one night of the weekend and sometimes not even that. I'm not allowed to go to parties, my curfew is 10 o'clock and I'm not allowed to drive in the car with teenagers. And whenever I'm in public with my grandparents, they still hold my hand. I have tried to talk to them multiple times about all of the rules but it seriously doesn't work so I need another option. I'm not allowed to date boys. I have an iPhone but i can't bring it to school and it gets taken at 8:30 on the week days and 11 on the weekends and even if I sneak it back, it is shut off by these times. My netflix account is set for "older kids and below" I'm not allowed to watch the shows that all of my friends are watching. My grandparents control what apps I get on my phone and the only social media I'm allowed to have is instagram. I know I should be appreciative that they care but I'm so sick of being treated like a baby, what should i do?

I do not know.

Stick it out for three more years and then when you are older you will look back and thank them for caring so much. I know its hard right now and you don't understand, but you seem to have something not too many people have these days, a strong home life and support system. This will help you countless times throughout your life.

Your grandparents are of "the old school" where they have seen/read all the things that go on. In reality, they are looking after you and ensuring you don't end up on the wrong path. Talk to them in a reasonable manner asking why All the restrictions, plus reminding them your friends make fun of you becuse you are not allowed certain basics as a teen.

All of their rules are because they care. They are also not from the same generation so they don't understand that cellphones are such a big part of peoples lives. Some of their rules are reasonable. Like driving in the cars with teeangers, teenagers are inexperienced driviers and driving is something that should be taken seriously. Also, many parents don't give their teens permission to go to parties unless its supervised and age appropriate. However, I can understand that you don't want to hold your grandparents hand in public, and you want to have your cellphone with you. Do something to prove to your grandparents that you are growing up and that they can trust you. Like if you want to try to get your curfew extended, don't ask them to extend it permanently. Start with one night, tell your grandparents exactly what your plans are, and ask if you can stay out an extra hour for the one night. Keep in touch with them throughout the night. Let them see that you can be trusted. Earn trust a little a bit at a time. Just remember if you get some freedoms and you abuse it you will loose it. Hope I was able to help!

I'm not seeing a problem here. You are cared for, fed, protected, not abused in any way. You may want to do the things your friends are doing but that doesn't mean you should. Your grandparents are instilling some very positive traits in you. Don't lose them.

You are lucky you have people that care about you. Just suck it up for a few more years you have a lot to be thankful for. You have to understand that your grandparents come from a very different time. They are unable to get it that kids need phones all the time even at school. I'm in my 60's and was shocked that my grand daughter used her cell for history class internet connections. To them you are still a child and will be the rest of your life. Make the best of what you have.