I bought an iPhone 5s and need to get the old iCloud taken off. How can I do that?

I bought an iPhone 5s and need to get the old iCloud taken off. How can I do that? - 1

You ask the person who sold you the phone to remove it.

However, this seems to be a trend.

You should have done your homework BEFORE you bought it. You should ALWAYS check the lock status before buying an iPhone. You got scammed. There's no way to get it off. Only the original owner can remove that iPhone from their iCloud account.

Other than getting the information from the previous owner (hopefully assuming the phone was theirs in the 1st place), nothing could be done.

Again, hopefully this is not another case of someone selling an iCloud locked iOS device knowingly.

The original owner must remove it. Then you can set it up with your own icloud.