I dropped my iPhone in water, what should I do?

I was at the pool and dropped my phone into the hot tub, then turned it on. It froze then went completely dead. Theirs a red light at the top of the phone that's on. Ps it's a 5s. I need help urgently what should I do? I don't want to have to get a new phone

The normal answer is to put it in a bowl of rice. Or put it in silica gel (if you have any - that's the sugar-like stuff that comes in sachets when you buy some products).
Anything to absorb the water will help.

I would also advise disconnecting the battery, & not using the phone for a few days. This will prevent the risk of damage caused by short-circuiting, which is likely if the phone is used while it's electrical components or circuit board are wet.

Put it in a bowl of rice

Use a hair drier and open your i phone and give it a hot air drying this probably works

Who the **** will turn on a wet phone? You just screwed things up… Good day sir

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