I entered Wi-Fi password correctly, but iphone keeps trying to connect?

Friends of mine found the password to a Wi-Fi network and everyone can connect to it except for me. Under setting i tries doing everything but i'm the only one that can't connect

Try forgetting the network

It's such a drag being unable to steal, isn't it?

BOB Jackson, you should pay for your own internet connection rather than piggybacking on one someone else pays for--and slowing their legitimate connection speed down through your usage.

I hope you can suggest to your friends that you all go do something else.

Which iOS version are you running? The first versions of iOS 6 were temperamental about what types of Wi-Fi they would connect to. Both the 4S of a co-worker and several iPads could not connect to our office Wi-Fi at all until they could find other Wi-Fi that did work to be able to update their iOS (they refused to use mobile data to update).

But eventually the 4S had Wi-Fi hardware failure (nothing including total reset would even allow Wi-Fi to be turned ON), so it was replaced under warranty.