I found a iphone 5 and it had a passcode on it but it is disabled now?

I can't plug it into the computer because its not the original computer how do I get into it

Hand the phone in to the police. The owner is tracing it already.

If you got into the phone it would be no good to you anyway as the owner i would imagine as probably already had the phone blocked. So my advice would be to do the right thing and hand the phone in to the local police station or if you know what network the phone is on? Then you could take it into the carriers store and they will find the rightful owner.

Mate pointless asking on here they are all do gooders (muppets) just find out by searchin google your best option.

Email me i can help

Do the right thing
hand it over to the police
how would you feel if someone found
your phone wouldn't you want it back?