I have a virus on my iPhone 5c is there any way to get rid of it and how much would it cost?

I have a virus on my iPhone 5c is there any way to get rid of it and how much would it cost? - 1

Added (1). I have a virus on my iPhone 5c is there any way to get rid of it and how much would it cost?
with out having to reset it

Just hard reset it. Google how to hard reset iPhone and it will guide you step by step


Try a coarse of antibiotics first, seven days treatment. That should clean it right up

Have you tried resetting it? Go to settings, general, reset. If you can't do that then connect it to iTunes and hold down the home button, which should also reset it.

Reset your iPhone 5c to factory settings. That's really the best way to get rid of a virus on it, unless you have an antivirus or other security app that can scan and remove it.

Normally, as long as your iPhone isn't jailbroken, it's not possible to get a virus. The same applies to all Apple products, including the iPad.

Can you tranfer virus to another phone like photos fb contacts