I'm awkward and confused about this boy I like?

Ok sorry this is gonna be long
so last year at summer camp me and this guy… Let's call him bob… Were pretty good friends and i ended up liking him and i actually thought he liked me too and so did like everyone at camp they like thought we were gonna be the best couple lol so then on the last day of camp my friend (lets call ger kayla) asked him if he liked me and he told her only as a friend so yeah.
so now its camp this year and i'm gonna see him on monday and i just recently started texting him a little bit again but i just texted him and if anyone here has an iphone do you know how it says "read" when the person reads your text? Well it said that and he didn't answer and he seems so neutral towards me and i'm scared that at camp when i want to be friends with him again he won't like me like he did last year cuz legit last year we were really good friends! And kayla said she's gonna get us to date somehow lol
but yeah and also i'm probably gonna be really awkward around him like even when i text him i feel anxious so yeah i don't know what i'm asking i just need help on what to do

Just be confindent and it may work out or just pretend you don't exist

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