I want to run away but i'm scared?

Well i'm 13 years old and i really want to run away iv got my plan set up i bought train tickets from the internet going to steal my dads iphone (for a gps) took £200 out of my sisters and all of my savings (300).
where i'm going- i'm going all the way to nottingham by train to visit a friend of mine and live with her for a bit (don't get twisted she was a childhood friend)
why i'm scared- i'm scared because i don't know if its the right thing to do.
and i don't know if my parents would tell any other relatives
why i'm running away- oh easy, my dad is a f*cker and my mum dosent have a mind of her own she only follows my, and just extreamly unreasonable and also my dad hits me… With his keys

Added (1). I no you can track an iphone i'm not dumb but ill take out the sim and take out the battery

One thing you haven't considered is that nowadays people can tell where there iphones are - there are programmes on computers which pin them down, so you will be found easily.
Another is that even if your friend is your age, her parents will report to your parents or the police that you are there and safe.
£500 will last hardly any time at all. What then? You are too young to get a job and I doubt you will get enrolled in a local school.
Stealing is wrong, so you would get in more trouble than you are now. You won't get far and if you think your parents don't care, I would be surprised if they didn't go out of their minds with worry.
If things are really bad at home, talk it though with a teacher.

Okay, you have the right on call the police on your dad, but think very carefully if that is really what you want to do. And as to running away, NO. People who run away never have a happy ending. Terrible, awful, things can, and do, happen. I have seen on the news many horrible things that have happened to people like you who run away. In fact, there was one girl who was seventeen who ran away and she was kidnapped, put on drugs, and sold as a slave. The drugs never wore off. Similar things have happened that are to awful to even talk about, but if you really need to get away from your dad, you should call the cops. And believe me, you do not want to run away. Save yourself.


This makes laugh, how can you survive with £300 for the rest of your life?