In Any way, is it possible for an iPhone to get a virus?

With any media? Including:
- Infected Photos found on the internet or synced through you PC
- Infected songs you got from the internet, added to iTunes and synced it
- Malicious websites
- Viruses on computer coming through syncing cable

BONUS: if it does get a virus, what will it do

Yes you can get a virus. Different viruses do different things. Some slow things down, some cause apps to crash, some delete information, etc. If you think this has happened you should get your phone checked.

Just because apple says its not possible to get a virus does not make it true what they mean by that is you won't get a virus if you do literally nothing on the internet and of course only buy apple

not a lot of people understand virus's and apple prey on that

Possible but extremely rare, you don't need a virus checker on iphones like other phones need.

Almost all viruses are android:
F-Secure, an anti-virus software producer, has released a report that details the saturation of malware content in mobile devices, and it turns out, Android platform was responsible for a whopping 79 percent of all malware intrusions in 2012. Android was also host to 96 percent of the intrusions in the fourth quarter alone.