Iphone 5 message on Appstore too many http redirects quick fix?

It started appearing on the "Featured" tab on the AppStore for the Iphone 5 (6.1 iOS version) Every other tab works fine except for the "Featured" Is there any way I can fix this? I tried rebooting and hard resetting my Iphone and then restoring backup from Itunes but none has worked. Should I be worried about this or just let Apple fix the problem?

New firmware is coming in couple of day.ios 6.1.1 is coming in few days. This firmware solve all problems

I'm also experiencing the same problem with my iPhone5. Tried resetting but didn't work. Maybe it's really a problem with the os.

It's really simple all you need to do is delete the YouTube app off the phone completely. Restart the phone and the App Store will be working fine! Worked for me straight away!

I had the same problem on my iPhone 5. All I did is just wait, and eventually it will stop redirecting https. Some people will take forever and some people might take quick. Its not your problem I think it's the apple's servers. Don't reset your iPhone cause its no use. Just wait and use the "top charts" option to view discount apps.

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