IPhone 5c vs the IPhone 5s. Which is better?

So I'm going to get an iPhone soon but I can decide to get either the iPhone 5c or the iPhone 5s. I would really like the know the pros and cons of each of them and also your own opinion on it and which one you like or think is better.

I've heard that the 5S is having problems, because my cousins was about to buy the 5S but ended up buying the 5C because it was cheaper and didn't have glitches of what I've kept hearing about the 5S.

IPhone 5s is better, go to the AT&T.com and their is a way to compare teh phones, but overall 5s is better

IPhone 5S will be faster but may have more glitches due to the move to a 64-bit chip architecture (which is new for all mobile devices).
5C may be a little slower but I guarantee you you will have no hiccups, whatsoever.