IPhone 5s activation locked?

I was sold an iPhone 5s when i got it it was activation locked and i tried contacting the person that sold it to me and no answer! Is there any way to delete this or did i just loose my money! :'( Help!

You most likely purchased a stolen iPhone, if you got a used iPhone from a complete strange then yes, you wasted your money.

You often get burned when you buy "hot" (stolen) items. Lesson learned I hope.

Of course there's no answer, its probably stolen. You have to check that before handing over any money. Good lesson learned for you though.

You've lost your money. Apple did not invent a way to remove the activation lock, so unless that person does not provide you with a password, you're out of luck

Most likely lost the money unfortunately.

It's very hard if not impossible to get the iCloud lock off on your own. The owner has to remove that prior to selling the iPhone. Contact someone related to the iPhone if you can. I mean, the one who sold it to you or the actual owner, thru an email, phone number, etc.

Go to iclouddnsbypass.com This may be your last ditch effort if the above does not work. At least you may be able to semi-use that phone.

You can take it to the local Apple Store and talk to them. They won't reset it for you to use, but they may be able to find out (and contact) the actual owner to see if it is stolen, or whatever. They aren't allowed to give you the owner's name, but they may call and check into it for you. (The phone company can also do that, but the average phone company store employee is not overly good at doing anything besides selling services. It isn't part of their training!) If it was a stolen and replaced by insurance, the owner might even unlock it as a gesture for you being honest enough to turn it in. Don't expect it, but it has happened!