Iphone 6 cames out. Have you interest to buy it?

Iphone 6 cames out. Have you interest to buy it?

No i'm happy with the current apple products i have

No, Apple have done what they always do. Rip off another product, put a fancy GUI on it and sell it for twice the price of the older model.

Nope, it'll suck. 2012 phones are better than it

Its almost the same as Iphone 5 I don't see a lot of changes in it its just a way for the company to make more money, its like they kept the same phone but they added a number

No. Because of overpriced and overrated… Read this article as well to know that everything wrong about the iPhone 6 release http://www.bestvpnservice.com/blog/everything-wrong-about-the-apple-iphone

I have had my iPhone 5 for over a year and a half now. When the 5c/5s came out, there were some neat new features but nothing that made me desire to upgrade. The same is true now of the 6- there are some neat new features but nothing that makes me desire to upgrade. Maybe when the 7 comes out?

Of course, part of that is because updates in the iOS gave me what I needed. IOS 7 had a completely new look along with some new features, and iOS 8 has some features that I really want/need. Those software updates are enough for me at this time.