I smashed my phone a few months ago and this time i dropped it in water but i took it out straight away. It looked fine then i go home turn the screen on and there's black and blue strips? Help

Added (1). It does work because i can see notifications very faintly on the screen

This is not working for you to USE it - so into the shop it goes. Possibly not worth saving.

This forum must be filled with the most clumsy, inattentive, butter-fingered people on Earth. I handle a $10,000 musical instrument every single day of my life for my profession, and have done so since 1971, and have NEVER dropped it - or my phone, or anything else expensive, delicate, and mechanical or electronic - not on the floor, into a TOILET, into frying hot oil (that was yesterday's idiot question) or anyplace else. Never broken buttons or a screen. What are you people DOING to have so many accidents?

You haven't asked a question, but the stripes are due to the water.

It's done.