Iphone problems-how to save battery?

I've had mine for ages now and never had problems… All of a sudden my battery is draining… I'm not doing anything different… No different apps? And I downloaded the ios8 but was a while ago… Any ideas or tips? Please

Delete all useless apps which you usually don't use cause that would be taking a lot of space hence draining battery faster
Switch off Wi-Fi Bluetooth gps when you are not using them.reduce screen brightness of your phone
And power of your phone once a week or 3's a week as it helps to improve battery life
I'm sure this will help.

While Benjamin provides useful tips, they won't help. Having more apps doesn't drain the battery, USING more apps does. But I digress… The battery needs replaced. Rechargeable batteries have a service life, meaning they only last for so long before they stop holding a charge. Yours has reached that point, and there's nothing you can do that will improve it or make it last longer. It will actually just keep draining faster and faster until it just won't work any more at all.

Replace the battery, or have Apple do it for you, and you should be good.

If your phone suffers battery draining try limiting your internet usage and other unwanted apps that may comsume a lot of power. If yhe problen still persists, you should go to the concerned apple store and get it repaired.

Battery may just be wearing down, but this is a good page with battery saving ideas http://www.justtext.com/messageboards/20140307195207.html