Is it true that Iphones can't illegally download music?

I know Androids can but is it true that Iphones can't?

Iphones can illegally download music.

It is possible, but not nearly as easy as it is on Android.

With Anrdoid, you can download just about anything directly from the web browser. On iOS, you can't. Safari doesn't let you download files.

However, there are/were "downloader" apps that were basically a web browser and a simple file manager. With those apps, you could download music files, but they could only be played with the app that was used to download them.
If the iPhone is jailbroken, then it is even more easy to obtain music.

However, if you have music downloaded from unofficial means on your computer, you can easily transfer them to your phone through iTunes.

Well, if they can't, I have a very special iPhone.

For now, No. But in the future, if itunes prevent u from unauthorized transfer material. Then Yes.