Is there anyway to remove iCloud lock on an iPhone 6 plus?

Is there anyway to remove iCloud lock on an iPhone 6 plus? - 1

Added (1). Is there anyway to remove iCloud lock on an iPhone 6 plus? I bought it off craigslist and it is locked. I just want to be able to use the phone I bought.

Yes there's, but I'm not going to tell you how as if it were your phone, you'd have the password and I refuse to help someone invade another persons privacy.

No. You need the Apple ID and password to unlock the phone, otherwise it's a brick. That's the big disadvantage to stolen iPhones.

You can remove the iCloud lock by using the original Apple ID and Password. If that's not an option, it's gonna cost you a bit to remove it and there's no 100% guarantee about it. If you wish to take that chance, you can try it, it's worth it. If you need help with your issue, mail me for more info.

Put in the asked for password.

Sounds like you got ripped off.