Is this being ungrateful/ thankful?

I had my eye on the samsung galaxy for some months now. Had no idea my boyfriend was getting me an iphone day recently we were discussing me purchasing a new phone. He was like before you go out and do that… I got you one for xmas! I was surprised because i didn't expect it. He told me it was an iphone5. I Have nothing against the phone i think its cute and it does just enough but only basic to me. I really wanted the galaxy3. Well is it ungratefull if i ask him could we exchange it? I mean what he paid for the iphone is same price as the galaxy. I can see myself asking but i'm kinda nervous i don't want him to think i'm ungratefull!

Added (1). A ring and a phone is 2 different things! I can't be stuck with a phone i don't care to much for. However a ring is a symbol of LOVE… Our love is beautiful. So no question i would love it!

Added (2). @ ava.u make me feel so bad. @ same time.him consulting me first or doing research to find out what i liked. He simple went on what "he thought would be nice". Iphone to me is to basic. && android has so0o many more features. @ end of day i should be happy with a gift. NOT "Well if i had such and such that would be so much better"!

No you ungrateful of course not, it only just like some proposing to you then you ask if you could exchange the ring because you didn't like the design.

You are not grateful lol. If you would be you would not even had that question in mind, it's about thev gift not the price he paid

First - your boyfriend paid for an iphone 5, WOW. I think if he paid that much for your gift and likes yu THAT much, that he would understand if you wanted to exchange it. Just tell him you love the gift, but if it was possible to get the galaxy3. Make sure you show your affection to him, and he won't mind. Just mention how thankful you are.

You have to go about it right. Since he already told you he got it for you, just sort of bring it up and be like "So you know how you got me the iPhone 5? Well I was doing some research and I was wondering if we could exchange it for the galaxy cuz it seems really cool and is the same price. What do you think?" If he acts sort of like "oh.yea.okay." Then tell him you thought it was so sweet of him to buy you a new phone and you really really love him for it. Don't add any buts. Then just add that you just wanted to see what he thought of that idea.

Tell him, you really appreciate what he did for you, and tell him that before he gave it to you, you had your eye on the galaxy3. And you would like to exchange it. Because if he paid the same price as the galaxy3, I don't think he should be mad or think your ungrateful.

What with the iphone 5 being the epitome and nearly most expensive phone on the market, your boyfriend purchasing you one should be taken as one of the most wonderful things a man could do for you. And what can said samsung galaxy do that said iphone 5 can't? Anything at all, wallpapers, apps, can all be purchased on the itunes store. It's very simple. And asking for an exchange would simply be the most blatant, rude thing anyone can do. With half of the country in grinding poverty, if your boyfriend can afford to buy you an Iphone as a gift, than that is a man to keep and not to insult.

He should have asked you what you liked, as a phone is a personal choice. You could try to return it, but to be fair, if you don't want that I Phone you should let him know before it's too late to return it. He should have got your opinion about your likes and dislikes especially for a major purchase like that. Yes It sounds ungrateful, but he should not have bought you a phone without him finding out what you wanted in the first place. If you don't tell him, it will be a problem with you not really liking that phone, and it will be something that will come between you down the road. If he was smart he would have not told you, and swapped the iphone for the one you wanted.

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