Just read an article on the heizer defense doubletap CCW pistol?

I'm torn between intrigue and the "there's better guns out there" in my head.especially at a list price of 600 for all aluminum with non rifled barrel.id definitely go with.45ACP since the capacity is not affected if i went with the 9mm

my question is would this be a worthy candidate for the jacket pocket carry (in addition to my walther PPQ IWB holster carry and walther PPK calf holster carry) or are there better options for the price? Ill include a link

the fact they have the titanium white version sitting next to a iphone, ipad and a louis vitton (i don't care how its spelled) makes me cringe a little


Looks like the Doubletap is a specifically designed pistol for a specific niche. As such, there's probably no pistol better to fit that niche than the Doubletap.

That being said, that niche does not apply to me, so I will probably never own one.

As far as jacket pocket carry, now you're carrying three different calibers instead of only two, as the PPQ is 9mm Parabellum, the PPK is.380acp, and now you're carrying at 2-shot.45?

You're new at this whole gun-carrying thing, aren't you? I used to carry 3 guns on me years ago… Back when they were HEAVY, like the PPK.

Now I just carry one I can rely on -- one platform to know and master, one platform to handle, one platform to troubleshoot. And spare ammunition. There are those who say the "New York Reload" is faster than a regular reload. Back in the days of revolvers, I'd agree, but I can do a mag change faster than most people can draw a pistol of any kind, and I just choose not to carry around all that weight and different calibers and the headaches that go with them.

However, your mileage may vary. I would, at the very least, go with the 9mm instead of the.45acp fo two significant reasons: 1) Ammo compatibility with your PPQ, and 2) Lower recoil from such a tiny gun -- youv'e got two shots; you'd better be able to make them count.

I have always shied away from derringers due to their low capacity. All it takes is to miss twice and now you are at the mercy of your attacker. And in real life, missing twice is more the rule, not the exception. ALWAYS carry enough ammo to finish the job. Because if you don't, THEY WILL finish YOU. You can't just say "Oh wait, bad guys, I'm out of ammo!"

If you stop shooting before the threat (or threats, especially these days) is/are neutralized, they are going to kill you. Period.

So for defensive use, at least for me, a two-shot ANYTHING is pretty much out of the question.

Again, your mileage may vary.

I like the HD. I would get the titanium in.45 without ports. Why? Because recoil is the lesser of the two evils… Noise or a little kick. As LGM stated you only have two shots, but self defense becomes questionable outside your atmosphere.(point blank or no-miss range) No, you won't be the hero in a crowded restaurant against an AK wielding Zombie with a short ranged two shooter, but those situations are much rarer than the parking lot thug that just wants to supplement his daily income and jack your car.
I carry a Seecamp DAO.32 and feel that is enough for a close encounter.
I will surely look for the HD at the next gun show because I like the trigger action already without even seeing one in that sexy titanium.