Mercury retrograde causing me problems?

My car broke down… It's always had problems with transmission, but the other day, I had a hard time with the breaks so I can't drive it.

At work, my computer crashed and my printer stopped working.

This morning, I wake up to find that my refrigerator is WARM.

Is this the Mercury retrograde, or coincidence? I don't believe in Astrology, but this is crazy and I believe Astrology is evil if this is the case. What's going on?


Added (1). But it's almost too coincidental. Why is this planet attacking me so much?

I also bought the brand new iphone the other day which i love, but i'm reading that it's a bad time to buy phones because they'll have problems later… Wtf

Unfortunately, the planets really have nothing to do with our lives down here… If that was true, we'd *all* know - and could predict - good and bad days in the years to come. You're having a string of bad luck; everyone goes through that, but remember - when you've hit rock bottom, there's no where to go but up…

One of the planets really has it in for you, just you? 7.5 billion people on Earth, and poor little you get picked on by Mercury? Maybe if you drove a Mercury the planet would be nicer to you? But would Saturn then be insulted? Relax.

"But it's almost too coincidental. Why is this planet attacking me so much? "

You're still breathing, well-fed, and you have internet access. There are a lot of people who have it worse than you at this very moment.

You are imagining things. It's all a coincidence.

It's called confirmation bias. If Mercury wasn't in retrograde you would have just chalked those things up to bad luck or something. Tell me, what really bad things happened between January 5 to 25th 2016? Since Mercury is in retrograde around 3 times per year as it has a short 88 day period you must have had a really unlucky life lurching from one disaster to another hardly having time to catch your breath before the next disaster happens.

The truth is cars and fridges break down - no big deal, it happens. Okay bad timing that they happened to break down at roughly the same time but these things do happen. Computers crash - that's what they do, just reboot no big deal. Printer jam - tell me about it - happens all the time, usually because someone tried to save a few pennies on the quality of paper used. Ordinarily these things wouldn't bother you, it would just be a typical day but you hear Mercury is in retrograde and you pay special attention to the bad things that happen. Bad things happen when Mercury is prograde too but you tend not to notice. That's in a nutshell what confirmation bias is.

"But it's almost too coincidental. Why is this planet attacking me so much? "

It's not Mercury - it's because I dug up the wild garlic in my garden. It gave my wife a lot of please and now the universe has decided to restore the balance of human misery by making you suffer a bit.

Here's your "more logical and balanced": You're a dumbass if you attribute events to causes you don't believe in. If you find soot in your living room do you attribute it to Santa Claus or a furnace puff back?

A psychic told me not to but whiskey today because the bottle would just be empty later but I did anyway. It didn't even get to later. That's one Hell of a good psychic.

You're causing your own problems.
Keep up the maintenance on your car.
Your work computer and printer is the company's problem
The refrigerator, may need new coolant. Or just get it replaced.

Poop happens throughout your life. Some of it you can control.

Mercury does not change direction, it only appears to from our perspective on a different planet with its own motion. It is tens of millions of miles away. So, it has nothing to do with your life or anyone else's.

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