My aunt makes everything a big deal problem?

I live with my aunt i'm a girl. Cause i just moved here and my mum is in another country. She bought me an iphone 6. I had an iphone 4 so there's no problem i always use my phone now like i do the same thing with my old phone and she makes everything a big deal problem. Like whenever she asks me to do something i ask her back how to do it correctly and she gets mad like saying i'm dumb and stupid?! I'm only 15 and she's 40 but she has no kid and no husband. I don't know everything, i'm not perfect in doing anything! Whenever i do something like she always blame my phone and stuff. I do everything like clean the apartment but then she's always like its not enough, you didn't clean it well, you didn't do it well. She doesn't even think about the good things i've done when i cleaned the toilet and kitchen.

What should i do?! I'm getting upset! I'm not perfect i'm only 15 i don't know how to do the stuffs she knows already.

You are not perfect and your aunt should understand that. My advice is to talk to your aunt and explain exactly how she is making you feel. Ask her to not get mad so easily because you are trying and its making you feel like everything you do or TRY to do for her is just thrown back in your face. Family members should not make you feel like this and they shouldn't WANT to make you feel like this, so if you speak with her she might just listen and tone it down a little bit. Hope I helped x

I feel you my aunty is the same too I think the best thing to do is tell your mum about how you feel and your mum will tell your aunty. Problem solve.

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