My iMessage is not working on my Iphone 4

I got the iPhone 4 around 3weeks ago.iMessage was working just fine until today. My texts were not sending at all. I have no idea how to fix this. I tried restarting my phone and resetting it and it didn't help. Someone please help! Thank you!

Added (1). I have tried everything! It is working on my friend's phone though so why not mine?

Try putting the Internet on just in case it's off. Make sure whoever you are sending the messages too have iMessage enabled. If they don't you can't send iMessages to them. Try turning airplane mode off and make sure the person you are sending the iMessage to has Internet enabled as well.

My iMessage is not working either. It was earlier today at noon, but as of 4:30pm or so they are sending as regular texts. That's bad because I don't have a text plan.

Must be an apple issue. Hope they get it fixed soon.

I have an iPhone 4S on iOS5 if that matters.

Imessage is down says apple

just have to wait until they fix it down in cupertino

I read an article saying that iMessage is not working on some iPhone 4 users due to hurricane sandy. Mine isn't working either. Apparently apple sent out a message saying that iMessage is not working for some iPhone 4's since 5pm today. I guess all we can do is wait.

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