My Iphone 4 fell in the sea?

So, my Iphone 4 fell in the sea and was in it for like 5-10 minutes until i noticed that, are there any chances of it being fixed? :/

Should have put it in dried rice straight away. It would have soaked all the water

No chance. Dropped my iPod in water for about 10 seconds and it never worked again, let alone 10 minutes! It said something like it would reset in several thousands minutes, but it never did…

Better start looking for a new phone.

*** you don't got no iphone 4 anymore.

First thing my dear, if your iphone fell in SEA then by ten minutes it would be atleast 1000000000 miles below! How did you even manage to recover it? And you even the father of Poseidon? Secondly the answer of fixing it is NO! Well most of the parts present in it including the ram, hardisk, gpu and cpu would be dead essentialy all the major costing part would be dead… And even if Mr.Jobs himself tried to repair it, he would end up paying almost the same or even MORE amount than what it would cost to buy a new one provided that you are not using a contract free device… So unless you are Spiderman with your father's secrets hidden there… Just move on and sell it out ob ebay… Ya with luck you can make real bucks!

Salt will be inside, you are hosed.

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