My volume won't work on my iPhone 4s

My phones volume hasn't been working lately. I tried EVERYTHING. I tried turning up the volume but the volume bars don't appear. I rest my phone but NOTHING seems to work.

You've possibly, and by that I mean likely, have a damaged phone. Probably some sand or something got in where the volume buttons are, or water. Take it to the apple store, they'll sort you out. You will probably need to make an appointment to talk to their so called "genius's".

You can also attempt to factory reset your iphone. This is a slightly different procedure for each iOS, but you can easily google the procedure. Doing this will erase all your apps, music, contacts off your device, so make sure you back it up to itunes first. If your iphone is jailbroken, it will reset it back as a regular phone. Most iphones that have serious software problems are the jailbroken phones, so if that's the case for you, resetting your phone might solve your problems.

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