Netgear Wireless Router giving me problems and computer won't connect?

Originally my Windows 7 would connect properly.

Then at one moment in time the router was labeled "Other Networks" and I could connect to that with the same password. My computer wouldnt connect for a moment and disconnect.

Then it changed names AGAIN to its original name NetGear##. Now the computer will stay connect for 1-2 minutes, disconnect for a moment and reconnect, which isn't terrible but it makes watching YouTube impossible.

Now when I start the computer I also need to restart the wireless router.

(All the while I have had NO problems with my xBox 360 or iPhone's Wi-Fi service.)

Any help to resolve this? I've looked how to solve, but I don't even know how to word this issue.


I have a list of things you should try
◘ Restart your router
◘ Try connecting to a public Wi-Fi (To see whether it is the computer not the Wi-Fi)
◘ Direct connect the the Wi-Fi
◘ Reset your network settings on your computer
◘ Make sure that you uncheck "Automatically connect" on all of the Wi-Fi networks near your house
because they may not be connected to the internet and your computer maybe trying to connect
to it anyways.
◘ Windows troubleshooting?
◘ Maybe you could try setting up a Ad hoc network with your Xbox

Probably its time to change your router because it might be loosing its internal memory, however you can still give a try by resetting and then reconfiguring it again.

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