Will IOS 8.2 fix my iPhone 5s?

I installed ios8 And now my connection to Wi-Fi is horrible and even though my cellular data was off it still used all of it. I just got a notification saying IOS 8.2 is ready to install but when I look at what it improves it just says iPhone 6 and 6 plus
Will it still fix the problems on my phone even though its a 5s?

Is he faking who he really is?

So this guy I've never met in person sent me a picture of himself through texting. When he sent me the pic I got a text before that saying "A Picture/Video Message!" I've only got that message when someone with an android sent me a photo but in his pic he's holding an iphone. The text messages are green so i'm assuming he turned off immessage, but does that message come up with iphone users as well?

Downloading goosebumps horrorland?

I want to download or read the entire series. I have a site already for the original(https://www.blendspace.com/lessons/MuFzLEBxkXqGBQ/ebooks-goosebumps-ipad-and-iphone) so can you give me a site where I can read them freely.

Can't send photos from my iPhone 5?

I have the iPhone 5, IOS 8. I'm with sprint. I can't ever send a photo over iMessage.
I don't want to have to send it through anything else. Why the f doesn't it work like it should?

Can you change your email address for your Apple id?

I have the iPhone 5s. I played around with emails but it says verify after I log out so as long ilas I verify, I can change my email as many times as I want? Because I've heard people say that that they couldn't change it. Is this true?

Where do you get the thing that you can put on top of your iphone so it can be a different colour?

K so I'm 15 and have been waiting a long time to get a phone and I just got my chance for an iPhone 4S and its $150 and I'm happy of that except… It's black and I really wanted a white iPhone not a black one, I don't want to miss out on the opportunity so, I thought maybe I can get those front cases on your iphone that change the colour to white because I saw them about a year ago when I went to the mall on those stands so I'm willing to get one of those but it was a long time ago and I'm not sure if they still have it

So I'm asking if anyone knows where I can get because I want to get a white one and yeah! That would be great!

Can i text someone from Brazil for free?

I got an iPhone 4 from at&t and it has unlimited texting and i have a friend from Brazil and i live in NH. If that doesn't work, can i text anyone from the USA? I have another friend in Illnois.