My iPhone won't let me restore?

I have a iPhone 4 and I forgotten my password! I tried it to many times and it now says 'iPhone is disabled please connect to iTunes' I connected it to iTunes and pressed the home button down and pressed 'restore iPhone' I waited for the 3 hours and it then did nothing for ages and my phone was still disabled! I tried it again and I updated iTunes and not even a quarter the way through my phone turned on! I tried It to do it again 2 more times and it still isn't working! I NEED SERIOUS Help

Is it possible to downgrade an iPhone 4s?

I have an iPhone 4s and it's on iOS 7 I like the software itself but I want to downgrade to ios 6 or 5 for memory reasons, I've been all over the net but no luck - so I was wondering have anything bypass anything.

Should I get a iPhone or a iPad with mobile data?

I already have a Macbook Air, 5th Gen iPod Touch, regular flip phone. I like the convenience of the iPhone so I don't have to carry my iPod touch with me everywhere I go. But I feel that the iPad does a lot more than the iPhone.

How to complaeatly get rid of Facebook on my iphone?

So my dad gave me his iPhone 4s when he got a new phone. I tryed signing in to something with my Facebook and it poped up as his Facebook profile, keep in mind that i signed out of his facebook on the app and signed him out of icloud and that has changed nothing.

How to unlock a found iPhone 4?

So I was walking down the street and saw this iPhone on the floor. I picked it up but it has a passcode. What can I do to unlock it and use it?

Will a T-mobile iphone work with MetroPCS?

Can I buy a t-mobile Iphone and bring it to metropcs for a contract since they have merged. Would the phone have had to be activated with T-mobile before? Should I just buy an unlocked one?

My cousin copies everything I do?

She just turned 12 and I'm turning 15 in two days. She literally copies EVERYTHING I do. Whenever I dyed my hair red, two weeks later she came to church with red hair. When I got my iPhone 4, for Christmas she got an iPhone 5c. I got Baby Lips lip balm, so did she. It's so annoying! And then it's like she tries to be me, but better. A better version of myself? Wtf. She's a spoiled brat. She gets whatever she wants and she acts like she knows everything. She's been doing this since I was about 11-12. I thought it would wear off as she got older but it hasn't! It's gotten worse! I once told her about how much I wanted to be a cheerleader and she said it was stupid. A few moths later, she joined cheerleading. I just recently dip dyed my hair red and when she saw it, she talked about how much "she loved it" and how she's "wanted to do that to her hair for a long time" and she called me today and told me she was doing it. I was so mad about it that I just hung up and ignored her texts and calls. I know it seems childish but she makes a competition about everything! And she brags about all the stuff she has all the time cause we don't have a lot of money and she knows that. What do I do?

I want something new. I'm not sure what?

I feel like something is missing from my life. I don't know what. I thought about buying a laptop, but I already have a wireless computer, iphone, and a Wi-Fi tv. I thought about a new pet (a bunny). I already have my own dog and I think I'd probably like the idea of having a bunny more than actually having one. I don't know what I want. I've bought new books and new music AND new clothes and I still feel like something is missing. I don't know if I'm just going crazy, haha. Do you ever feel this way? And if so, what did you do to stop feeling this way?