Parent giving iphones to their children?

Ok I'm getting sick of it. My neighbour has a little boy 3 years aprox. He always cry and get's whatever he's pointing at. Yesterday they came to visit us and the kid began to cry because he WANTED to play with his mother's iphone. The best part is that she agreed and gave the boy the iphone to make him stop. He would play with it for hours and the mother don't even bother to charge it for him. I'm 18 years old but when i was 3 i didn't even touch a phone. Not because they are/were expencive but because it's morally incorrect. I asked the mother why she gave the iphone to the kid (SHE DOES IT OFTEN) and she said that 1. He will stop 2. They get's smarter. SORRY BUT AT THIS TIME I WAS ABOUT TO SLAP HER. What is wrong with parents these days?

What business is this of yours? TROLL

What's wrong with you?
It's her phone and her kid. Relax.
If the kid breaks it it's her own fault.

There's nothing wrong with letting her kid use her phone.

It's not the kids phone it's hers. For your information EVERY young child crys and mones for their parents phones… Get over it, it's normal

It's her kid not yours.

An Iphone has a bright screen and looks fun to play with, so it's probably irresistible to the child. Touching a screen and having it respond and figuring out how to do things I definitely would have been obsessed with. Buying them a tablet for children might work out better, because that little guy isn't making phone calls, unless unintentionally. I think seeing parents using it also compels the child to take an interest in the device as well.

Morally incorrect?

Interesting. Do you think the same of letting kids watch tv?

Well he just needed something to keep him occupied.

Why do you think its any of your business?

I don't agree with the parenting either but how others choose to raise their kids is their business not yours

Giving your kid everything they want when they act disrespectful is wrong, you are right on that.

Giving a kid a phone in general is not the big deal you are making it into, however. If the kid were acting appropriately and respectfully, it wouldn't harm him to play with a little phone for a bit. My cousins love playing with the lights and noises and games they come with. To them, it's just like any other toy they sell for kid's their age, colorful and entertaining.

Isn't it just as wrong to be so nosy in someone else's personal life? Perhaps the kid wasn't actually being disrespectful, and being that he's 3, was maybe anxious or tired and needed something to occupy him.

Firstly, I agree with you. While it's not "morally" incorrect (how would it be "morally" incorrect?) a phone is still screen media and not great for a child. My girl is five and not only doesn't she play with a phone, we don't own a television and the computer isn't on when she's home and awake. That's said, I encourage you to write this down… As an 18 year old who is childless, you know more about what's right and wrong with regard to parenting than you ever will again in your life. When you have children, nothing will ever be so crystal clear again. Enjoy knowing it all. I can promise you, it will not last.

LOL… "its morally incorrect"…

You wanna know what's morally incorrect? An 18 year old telling someone else how to parent their own child!


I agree with you but it is her phone and she can do what she wants with it