Photography apps for iPhone?

I love editing my photos & am looking for some new apps to use. I already have instagram, picfix, pixlromatic(free version), filtermania 2,& I just recently bought camera+. I've thought about getting vintique($.99) & snapseed($4.99), but I don't know if I'd enjoy them enough for how much their worth after I bought them. Anyone who uses those(or have used them) have any reviews? I've heard a lot of people like snapseed, but I wasn't sure I wanted to spend $5 on it if I wouldn't like it. What other photo editing apps are worth getting?

Snapseed is one of my favorite editing apps, as is Pro HDR, & Phototoaster.
I have Instagram too, & love it…

I must say Snapseed is very good for photo editing, but I don't want you to spend on Vintique.

Also if you want cheaper options with features like Live Photo and Video filters, detailed editing options, try Camera Plus Pro.

If you are looking to be more famous or find more followers or likes or views or everything you can always try to purchase some and then the real ones will start to come!
Fake stats make you more trustable so more people are going to like your content.
A lot of websites are selling these services but what i choose is
Because they are fast and theis support is top notch.
Give it a shot!