Should I buy a samsung galaxy note 3 or an apple iphone 5c?

Should I buy a samsung galaxy note 3 or an apple iphone 5c?

Neither. The GPO 150 is still the best phone on the market - I can't believe anyone goes for anything else.

Well I have the 5c it feels pretty smooth

I'd like to recommend something else. Xperia Z1 compact is as powerful as other top of the line Android phones but it is almost the same size as iPhone. It is going to be released next mohth in Europe but if you are in US it might take very long because Sony is usually very late in US market.

I would go with the Note over the Iphone but would go with the LG G2 over the note. Its almost all personal preference and what you want to us it for. If you don't want total customization freedom then go with the Iphone.

You must have iphone 5c

Well I woud start by saying that both are great devices. Guess one question would also be what type of phone so you have now. There could be some cost in switching platfroms. All though that cost wouldn't be to much probably about $20 - $25. I like the note 3 over the iPhone do to the larger screen size. I used to use iPhones all the time, but just needed a larger screen so I went to the note. I will never use a phone the size of the iPhone again. I did a full review of the note 3 on my site. Hope it helps

Why don't you choose iPhone 5S?

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