Should I upgrade to the iPhone 5? I'm a current Android user?

So I'm a Verizon customer and I currently have an Android (HTC Thunderbolt to be exact) and I have an upgrade coming up in December. I was wondering if I should get the iPhone 5. The main reason I want to get it is because my Thunderbolt has been acting up for the longest time. Randomly rebooting, saying that there's no SD card when there's and my service cuts off every 5 minutes. I live really close to the Bay Area (the San Francisco area) so I doubt it has anything to do with me being too far away from the cell phone towers and I even got the latest update!

Another reason why I want to get an iPhone is because of the 64GB model. Yes, I know, a dumb reason to some but hears why I NEED all that space. I'm a music maker, I'm also a music enthusiast. I need some for work (I write songs for an entertainment company so I need the instrumentals & demos with me everywhere I go) and I need some for my personal use (ie when I'm driving and exercising). I also DJ for parties in my spare time so I like to make my playlists ahead of time.

Also I'm planning on moving to Japan soon and I heard that the iPhone works in Japan. My Android does but I had to look for a specific type of sim card and that took forever. If it takes any sim card or a widely known sim card (the Verizon model) that is also a plus!

Added (1). Panos - I don't really think that Japan has Verizon. From what I was told I may need a prepaid kind of service. I heard good things about the gs3 but from what I've heard I need to buy the 64GB separate. I really want a phone for music and the occasional video/picture taking. I think the most I would do to a phone is jailbreak/root it.

I love my iphone, i would recommend it to people, also the galaxy s3 is a good contender. Both great phones, if you like tweaks and 3rd party apps then get the gs3 but if you like games from the app store and itunes for music then get iphone 5.

go to the store and play with them both.
but you have to watch if verizon is big in japan.
sprint has global phones such as the evo 4g lte and the iphone is also.