Someone stole my daughters iphone?

My daughter is 11, and at her first year of secondary school (year 7) she takes her Iphone 4 to school with her everyday. She puts it in her locker and gets it out at break/lunch. One day she forgot and she left it in her PE bag, when the room was empty two other year 7s pretended they were late and stole her phone, also a girls pencil-case, and another girls blackberry all at the same time. Theese two girls went to tell my daughter that some year 9s stole it. She isn''t stupid and quickly went to ask the teacher if any year 9's had PE/dance, the PE teacher said no. So she found the other girls, and by the time this happened it was their next lesson (Math) so they went round looking for the twos girls and found the one girl who just had my daughters phone taken off her for using it in class. He gave it to the head of year who knew about the missing phones, and checked the cameras. They saw her steal everything and it was all returned and she was suspended. But when my daughter got it back, the case was off it. Cameras saw the girl throw it in the bin. Teachers say she has to buy my daughter a new case, I agree with them. But she's refusing to pay. What should I do?

Well tell that person to give your daughter her phone back if you see them or call the place where she lost her phone at and make a police report.

Glad you got her phone back, if her parents refuse to buy your daughter a new case it might be better to just forget about it and buy her one yourself.

First off;

Your spoiling your child with a smartphone?! When I was 11, I was lucky enough to play on a math game that kinda looked like a PDA from my brother who was 13! Why would she ever need an iPhone to begin with? I got my first cheap cellphone when I was 14! I didn't need one before, especially a smartphone that are very expensive these days, including the service… Why would he need one at age 11? Seems like too much responsibility. And the fact that she forgot it and let it get stolen is irresponsible.

Aside from my rant that you will no doubt ignore, yes the kid should replace the new case. If she is refusing to pay, then take it up to the her parents.

***** slap her!

Just kiddin, tell the school to get in contact with the 'thief's' parents, hopefully school can do something about it, hope they learnt their lessons x

Speak to the parents

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