Teenagers Christmas List Ideas?

I'm so blessed to have lots of things I want such as beats, iPhone 5c, ipad, iPod 4, and probably more stuff I can't think of right now! My mom wants a Christmas lift from me soon and i don't know what I want!

Dude, if you don't want anything else, don't ask for anything else. Don't make your parents spend money on stuff unless you actually want it. And also, all the things you already have on that list so far are HELLA EXPENSIVE. My parents probably wouldnt even get me all those things. Ever. So just stick with those things and don't ask for anything else unless you think of something else you really want and your parents are ok with it. Merry Christmas dude.

Dr. Martinez, onze, flannel, penny board, Polaroid camara, romper, vinyls, turn table, keds, vans, CDs, etc., all are great ideas for a christmas list. Ask for gift cards, so you can pick out specifically what you want

Jewlery cleaner they're amazing or cases for iPhone and iPods ect, chill factor slushi maker, Clothes voucher or any voucher, school suplies, makeup for girls.

Pass or tickets for movie, theme park or sport.

**** you you are so spoiled people like me never get gifts over 10 dollars.

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