What are people buying tablets or iphones?

What are people buying tablets or iphones? - 1

Most people buy Iphones these days because tablets are more complicated to communicate. Tablets are good for business but iphones are quick and small. Thats why people buy them.

I almost never use my ipad. It's like a giant phone. And I have a phone. It has also become very slow.

Many people buy both, so they will have a tablet and a smartphone.

When I'm home and on Wi-Fi, and want to make a call or send a text, I use either my tablet or my phone. Most of the Apple families I know, each member of the family will have an iPhone, iPods or iPod Touches, with a version of Apple computer, along with iPads.

So those that want both have both, and do not limit themselves to one or the other.

Between the iPhone & tablets, these days its the iPhone.

Why are people buying houses?

Some both. Some either. Some neither. There are people who use laptops for productivity and an Android as their phone.