What can I do to get past this?

I need a little help.
I'm 14, and my parents are a little strict…
My dad took away my Xbox for a little over 1 year, along with my phone, etc. And to get it back, he made me sign a contract that he put together that says 2 hours a day, and only after I do a chore and such.
I'll get to the point… He plugged in a light dimmer that he can control from his iPhone, and he turns it off if I'm grounded, it tells him if I unplug it, unplug my tv from it, or if its on. It has a button on the front that turns it on, but it tells him it's on. What can I do? This contract is outrageously strict, and he thinks that my Xbox is evil.
Any help would be much appreciated… Thank you.

Live with it, trust me its for the best. When i was younger i didn't have a phone, Xbox was only for summer vacation and i had no tv on weekdays. I thought it was terrible and that my parents were crazy strict, but hey, now i'm at yale.

He only does it because he loves you

In 4 years you will be able to move out on your own and play your Xbox all you want. In the meantime you will need to follow your dad's rules no matter how strict they are.

Nothing… It's for your own good. You will thank him one day.

Do as you are told. Live with the restrictions your parents decide.