What do girls mean by this? Girls please! - 1

I have an iPhone so can see when people have read my text messages which I sent them. There's a girl I like who I have been texting with loads this weekend, and we've been texting constantly for the past 3 days. Sometimes I can see that she has 'read' my message, but does not reply for several hours. For example, now the message says 'Read at 20:30' and I asked her a question, but she does not reply, sometimes for several hours and sometimes doesn't reply at all. The questions are not personal at all. Why do girls do this?

I'm sorry. We will never understand girls.

Maybe they just don't realise how important you are!

Chill out, often i see a message on my phone and think "can't be bovered" so i just go back to sleep and deal with it later

To be honest I'm not a girl but girls are strange human beings and they will not reply for no apparent reason, but they might be busy so don't be too needy and recently this girl I'm with is strange and weird but I like her a lot so just play it cool and don't be too clingy.

Okay, I'm sure it's nothing personal, nothing to get upset about. She probably saw it, but maybe she was in the middle of dinner or something and thought she would reply later and forgot. There are a billion different reasons, but very few of them are because she simply doesn't want to talk to you/ doesn't want to answer you're questions

Don't worry about it.

Just to start off: I know many boys who also do this; it's not just girls.

I think people just read it and then get distracted and then come back to it later, it's nothing personal, so don't worry about it!

I know it can be quite annoying, but it's just one of those things, eh?

Lots of reasons!

She doesn't want to look too eager or forward by reply straight away.
She might be busy (the posibilities of what she might be doing are endless!)

Or you could always ask her yourself… Or you could make her your girlfriend: P

Sometimes i receive a text from a person, i don't want to reply for different reasons, lazy, not in the mood, busy, uninteresting etc.everyone has different reasons, so what she doesn't reply? Don't live on texts and get a life and stop wondering those lame stuff. Its especially boring asking people this like really?

1. She's busy and can't reply to every message right away.

2. You're crowding her. It's common for guys to become obsessive with a girl and constantly want to talk to her. This has happened to me. I replied just to be nice but stopped because I didn't want to lead him on. Just give her some space and if she likes you she'll approach you.

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