Why do girls take breakups so seriously?

I just want to know out of curiosity, I mean why can't they be like me: shrug and say "S**t happens" and move on with my life without a second's hesitation. Are they so seriously immature that they need to completely blow things out of proportion?

And seriously, what's with the post-breakup shenanigans? Breaking your ex's car or X-box or iPhone? Grow the f**k up and let it go! :L

Because humans have feelings in general. Maybe you don't. So you couldn't feel the sadness or pain from the breakup. Emotionally. But you're wrong. Not all girls are same. I know a lot of girls are boyish; and those girls don't give a sh_t if their boyfriends leave them or not. So not everyone is the same you know. And the same saying could go for guys. There are guys that are sensitive. Emotionally.

While I don't agree with any girl breaking a guy's stuff just because she's mad, I think you're being incredibly insensitive. Maybe some girls really love the guy they were dating?

I mean really, it sounds to me like you're either in denial about not being hurt, or you never really loved any of the girls you've dated.

I'm a girl and I don't freak out over break ups. But I know some guys and girls who do. Ever heard of the all too common abusive boyfriend who when his girlfriend tries to leave him because of the abuse he ends up beating her to death because he can't handle the break up? Yah that happens. It's way worse than getting your car keyed.

LMFAO! You're funny AND you're right. You and I are alike. If people could just move on.they'd be no DRAMA!

I hope this will enlighten you and i assume that you haven't fallen in love yet and don't want to be in a serious relationship.

Women invest a lot of their emotions when they're with their love ones. We're nurturers and we take absolute care of relationships despite of our shortcomings. That's the difference between a woman and a man. Men uses logic too often and women use their emotions.

Maybe you've broken up with her with the wrong reasons that she become hostile. I would suggest that you explain to her why you're breaking up with her. BE MAN enough to tell her. If not, then Bye Bye Toys for you, kiddo.

You know women need to feel safe with a guy. Not just physically safe, emotionally safe.

That takes a commitment of serious emotional energy. If she doesn't feel safe she won't trust you. And when she does trust you she will love you.

And if you break her heart, then you've broken the trust, and wasted all the energy she's invested in you.

So some women take breakups hard. And, if you were messing around with other girls, I can see where a gal you broke up with might want to break your stuff.

True. Billion more guys where you came from.

I totally lol'd at the she hulk in the additional details.

I'm a girl, I move on. Unless it was the dude who completely f'd up. I would be mad. But I would still except that sh*t happens.

I have never damaged ones property over this stuff, and never will. That's stupid. And a really good way to get a date in court.
I think you have been dating some odd girls lol.

I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years. He is actually from Germany, so he flys out of country quite often to see his other family members that are not in the US.
He lives in another part of the state now, and when he tells me he has to be in germany for a few months, I don't flip. Its ok, and he goes.
I don't break sh*t, and when something bad happens, I just let it be known, I'm mad, but I'm not going to dwell on this forever.
I will just be like "K, I'm moving on now, we can just work on this a bit and not fight." And it usually goes over fine if it is not a huge huge problem we're dealing with.
But never ever do I guilt trip people, or damage property. That is a really sad way to get back at someone, when obviously the relationship did not work out to begin with.


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